Tuesday, August 9, 2011

D.C. '11: Around the Town

Before I make my last D.C. entry, I wanted to squeeze in all the moments and little ventures not mentioned in a full post yet - things I would have mentioned if I'd done a complete day run-down each day, but couldn't figure out a way to squeeze in on these specifically-topic'ed posts I've been doing as catch-up.

Get ready for a photo bonanza!

View from our hotel window - many landmarks are visible, including the pentagon (where the street to the right ends).

View from our hotel room - Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Capitol Building, Air Force Memorial (left-right of visible landmarks).

View from our hotel window - Arlington National Cemetery and the National Cathedral in the distance.

The Pentagon - any time we took a car or taxi in and out of the city from our hotel (which was in Arlington), we passed it (taken by Loren).

Lafayette Square - the park immediately north of the White House.

The Treasury building - the statue in front is Gallatin, whom the school at NYU I attended for one year was named after.

Wellness Cafe on Pennsylvania Avenue SE - looks like a little vitamin shop, but go to the back and there is a sandwich counter that is delicious and reasonably priced!

Salmon burger from Wellness Cafe - yum!

A glimpse of Marine 1 (the President's helicopter!)

The Washington Monument from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (unfortunately, the reflecting pool is under construction).

The Lincoln Memorial.

All four of us at the Lincoln Memorial (taken with Loren's camera).

My dad at the Vietnam Memorial (monument wall of names not pictured) (taken by Loren).

The Korean War Memorial.

The Korean War Memorial.

The FDR Memorial.

The FDR Memorial - "I Hate War."

The FDR Memorial.

View of the Washington Monument from the FDR Memorial across the Tidal Basin.

Sunset from the Jefferson Memorial.

 Thomas Jefferson Memorial (taken by Loren).

 Thomas Jefferson Memorial (taken by Loren).

Department of Agriculture, complete with corn growing out front (taken by Loren).

Statue of Gandhi outside the Indian Embassy near Dupont Circle on "Embassy Row."

The "Hawk 'n' Dove" pub, where government office workers (during the summer, LOTS of interns) hang out and grab some drinks at the end of the work day.

Side view of the Capitol Building.

Sunset from the west steps of the Capitol Building as we watched a free Marine Band concert.

My dad, enjoying a free Marine Band concert on the west steps of the Capitol Building.

A small Dixie combo, formed by members of the Marine Band, giving a free concert on the west steps of the Capitol Building.

A video of the Marine Dixie Band - they were so fantastic!

Next up: D.C. Museums! The very last entry for this trip!

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